Telecommunications giant Safaricom has announced John Ngumi as the director and Chairman of the Board with effect from 1st August 2022.
Ngumi takes over from Michael Joseph who has held the position since August 2020. Joseph also served as Safaricom CEO.
John Ngumi is the immediate former Chairman of Kenya Pipeline Corporation Board and has chaired the Board of Konza Technopolis Development Authority. He served as an inaugural director on the Board of Communications Commission of Kenya, now the Communications Authority of Kenya, a regulator that oversaw the creation of Kenya’s present telecommunications landscape.
“Mr. Ngumi currently serves as Board Chair at the Industrial & Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC), which is leading the effort to implement the Kenya Transport & Logistics Network, encompassing Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Pipeline Company Limited and Kenya Railways Corporation. He also serves on the board of Kenya Airways PLC.” Reads a notice from Safaricom to shareholder.
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Mr. Ngumi started his banking career at National Westminister Bank, London and has worked for various institutions including Grindlays Bank, Citibank, Barclays Bank and Standard Bank of South Africa establishing himself as East Africa’s foremost corporate and investment banker.
John describes himself as a gregarious; enormously self-confident person possessed of copious amounts of drive, determination, energy and will to win.
Mr. Ngumi holds a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from St. Peter’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
The Board has also announced the resignation of company secretary Mr Sitholizwe Mdlalose with effect from August 1, 2022.
“We take this opportunity to thank Sitho for his service, dedication, sound advice and commitment to the Company with particular reference to his invaluable contributions at the Board Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee,” Safaricom added.
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