We are not as focused on a sustainable future as we should be, as many people currently seek material possessions and recognition. The people of the world have become so ignorant and greedy that the thought of handing over a liveable world to the younger generation has lost its importance.
This irony is striking—why are we in such a hurry to acquire material possessions that we may never get a chance to use, especially if the world continues on its current trajectory? A sustainable future, to me, is one where every generation can obtain clean and necessary food and nutrition.
However, with the inception of white and blue-collar jobs, many people turned their backs on farming. Farming, which should be a basic and necessary activity, became frowned upon and was largely considered a vocation for the less fortunate in society. This shift in perception has had dire consequences.
As drought and hunger struck, instead of developing means to safeguard humanity, most people decided to save themselves. This selfishness led to increased societal disparity. It is disheartening to see how much our lack of values has degraded the world as we know it.
Surely, this planet deserves better. We need to re-evaluate our priorities and values. Investing in sustainable agricultural practices, supporting local farmers, and promoting environmental stewardship are crucial steps.
Encouraging the younger generation to value and engage in farming can help secure a stable and sustainable food supply. Moreover, fostering a culture that values long-term well-being over short-term gains is essential for a truly sustainable future.
It is time to take collective responsibility and work towards a world where every person can thrive without compromising the needs of future generations. By doing so, we can ensure a healthier, more equitable planet for all.