The Kenya Space Agency (KSA) is investigating the sudden appearance of a metallic space object that fell and landed in Mukuku Village, Makueni County, on December 30, 2024. Measuring 2.5 meters in diameter and weighing approximately 500kg, the object has been identified as a separation ring from a launch vehicle.
Such objects are typically designed to disintegrate upon re-entering Earth’s atmosphere or land in uninhabited areas, like oceans. However, this incident represents a rare deviation. “This is an isolated case, which the Agency will investigate and address using the established framework under international space law,” KSA confirmed in an official statement.
Upon receiving reports on December 31, 2024, KSA dispatched a team of experts to Mukuku Village. Working alongside local authorities and a multi-agency team, the Agency secured the site, recovered the debris, and transported it for detailed analysis.
The Agency extended gratitude to the local community for promptly reporting the incident and ensuring public safety. “We express our gratitude to the local leadership, the Makueni County Government, and media houses for disseminating this critical information in a timely manner,” the statement added.
KSA has assured the public that the object poses no immediate threat to safety. Experts will analyze the debris to determine its origins and ownership under international regulations. “We want to assure the public that the object poses no immediate threat to safety,” the statement emphasized.
The Agency reiterated its commitment to fostering responsible space activities in Kenya and beyond. It also urged citizens to report any unusual objects or events to authorities promptly.