Over the past two weeks, Kenya has witnessed a series of anti-Finance Bill protests that have tragically exposed a deep-seated...
Read moreDetailsSometime last week, a 7-days-of-rage timetable started making rounds in response to the finance bill protests that seem to be...
Read moreDetailsThe streets of Nairobi were filled with the passionate voices of Generation Z this past week as they exercised their...
Read moreDetailsThis is what I wanted to write as the topic, but well, the mind records affirmations only. People, more so...
Read moreDetailsReal Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are investment vehicles that allow individuals to invest in large-scale, income-generating real estate. Currently in...
Read moreDetailsKenya, like many other countries, faces the challenge of supporting financially distressed companies, especially in the aftermath of economic disruptions...
Read moreDetailsKenya’s manufacturing sector, once a beacon of economic stability, is facing significant challenges leading to its decline within the decade....
Read moreDetailsThe Finance Bill, 2024, has proposed several tax increments that could exacerbate the already tough economic conditions in Kenya. Among...
Read moreDetailsThe flooding crisis that has gripped large swaths of Kenya over the past few weeks has reached catastrophic proportions. With...
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