The government has cancelled the work permit of Rubis Energy CEO Jean Christian Bergeron and ordered his deportation immediately.
Bergeron is accused of economic sabotage by hoarding fuel and causing an artificial shortage, despite Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) insisting that there are enough petroleum stocks.
this comes at a time the Energy and Petroleum Authority (Epra) is investigating a number of oil marketers for hording fuel in Kenya, while increasing exports.
Epra says it will reduce import allocation for oil marketing companies who will be found to have increased their exports to regional markets in the past four weeks, subjecting Kenyans to a shortage of the commodity.
In a letter copied to the Petroleum and Mining Acting Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma, EPRA Director-General Daniel Kiptoo stated that some oil marketers who increased their exports in the period under review will be allocated lower capacity for the next three import cycles.
“The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has analyzed the daily petroleum loadings over the past 4 weeks and noted that a number of Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have in the period under review given priority to export loadings while the local market was left to suffer intermittent supply,” he said.
Kiptoo further said the OMCs who released more fuel into the market during the period will have their quotas increased.
“In line with the policy guidance, EPRA hereby recommends that in the allocation of capacity for the next 3 import cycles, a key consideration should be given to the following: Reduction of capacity share for all OMCs who increased their transit volumes over and above their normal quota during the supply crisis period,” the EPRA statement read.
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