Best practices for construction site safety and security
Construction sites are high-risk areas that require strict security measures to prevent unauthorized access, theft, and accidents. Site security not...
Read moreDetailsConstruction sites are high-risk areas that require strict security measures to prevent unauthorized access, theft, and accidents. Site security not...
Read moreDetailsEgypt’s approach to affordable housing offers valuable insights for Kenya, particularly in government commitment, financing models, and efficient urban planning. A key...
Read moreDetailsA Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a separate legal entity created to handle specific projects, typically with a defined scope...
Read moreDetailsReal Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are a promising investment vehicle in Kenya's real estate sector, providing a structured approach to...
Read moreDetailsThe Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method is considered one of the best approaches for valuing hospitality businesses due to its...
Read moreDetailsPrivate equity in real estate is an investment strategy where private funds acquire properties not listed on public markets. This approach allows...
Read moreDetailsKenya’s tourism sector is experiencing a remarkable surge, with the numbers projected to hit over three million visitors by 2025. This growth can be attributable...
Read moreDetailsCommonly referred to as the Tenancy Act in Kenya, is a legal framework that regulates the relationship between landlords and tenants. Its...
Read moreDetailsManaging commercial properties continuously presents various challenges that require proactive and ongoing efforts. Ensuring tenant satisfaction remains a top priority,...
Read moreDetailsThe hospitality industry is witnessing a shift in consumer tastes and preferences, with serviced apartments emerging as a favoured choice...
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